Access to private scheduling with Sarahjoy for 3-way sessions.
Feedback on recorded individualized private sessions and/or 3-way sessions completed by mentee and client.
Client base building through the Referral Network.
IAYT Practicum hours - If Applicable.
Eligibility To Offer Individualized Yoga Practicum Sessions Members of the IAYT 800hr program are eligible to provide individualized yoga sessions to graduates of the prior 300hr Professional Yoga and 140hr Yoga Psychology training courses. (Including December 2020 graduates.) Graduates of a 300hr Professional Yoga Training and Yoga Psychology are eligible to provide individualized yoga sessions to members of the current 300hr yoga training cohorts. (Such as those who began in October 2020.)
Each provider is responsible for determining and disclosing the rate of their session(s) to the client. The session may be based on an hourly rate, sliding scale or offered at no charge.
Documenting/Recording These 1 hour individualized yoga sessions may be recorded in Zoom and transferred into YogaLife’s Vimeo Account so that Sarahjoy can review the recordings and make notes. Aspects of the recorded sessions will also be reviewed in weekly mentoring sessions where we will explore which methodologies were incorporated and where additional tools could be integrated. Sarahjoy will also offer feedback and reflections for any client sessions that mentees bring to these weekly sessions.
This is called Group Mentorship. In Western mental health communities this is called Group Supervision.
3-way Sessions Participants in the Group Mentorship Program are also invited to schedule sessions with Sarahjoy and a client of theirs. This is a 3-way session. Sarahjoy leads the session and integrates the mentee (the client’s primary provider) with aspects of the session. These sessions are also recorded so that the mentee will have access for reflecting on approaches utilized in the session. At the discretion of Sarahjoy and the mentee, the client can also have access to the recording of practices offered.
The mentee is responsible for payment to Yogalife, Inc. for the 3-Way Session at the standard rate of $120 and may pass this charge on to their client based on their discretion. Some medical scholarships may be available. Please inquire at [email protected]
Referral Network As mentees become qualified, by demonstrated skill and personal confidence, Sarahjoy will refer new students/clients to members of the Group Mentorship Program. These relationships may begin with an initial 3-way session with Sarahjoy, the qualified mentee and the new student/client. Then the mentee provides a minimum of 3 sessions before returning for a 3-way session. The 3-way sessions are to offer continued guidance to the mentee and to help the client or student to gain confidence in the methodology of yoga as a healing modality.
The first 3-way session in this arrangement is payable to YogaLife, Inc and the student receiving the session will be responsible for the payment. The following 3 sessions offered by the qualified mentee are billed by the Yoga Therapy Mentee who is providing the session. Each provider is responsible for determining and disclosing the rate of their session(s) to the client. The session may be based on an hourly rate, sliding scale or offered at no charge.
Investment The investment for this Group Mentorship Program is $100/month. Some scholarships are available for $50 or $75. Please email[email protected] for availability.
Please note that when trainees are enrolled in an active course, such as their 800hr IAYT, 300hr YA, or 140hr Yoga Psychology course there is no charge for the group mentorship program. When not actively enrolled in a course, the monthly investment is requested as stated above.
Mentees meet weekly with Sarahjoy unless Sarahjoy is on a sabbatical or leading a yoga training module that prohibits the weekly meeting. However, on such occasions, mentees can meet with each other for consistency and continued development.
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