Nourish all the systems of your body; bring health and harmony to life. Practices are tailored to the seasonal dosha as well as the constitutional considerations of the students. Classes include restorative poses for digestion, endocrine and immune function, as well as pranayama, chanting and meditation.
May 7, 14, 21, 28
Sliding Scale: $80 - $60 for each series Drop-In Class: $20 For each Week Recordings are made available to all who register. 4-week series: Tuesdays, 6:30 - 7:45 pm
This series is offered by Sarahjoy and DAYA with all proceeds going to our prison yoga outreach programs. Your contribution supports the well-being of others.
REFUND POLICY: We don't offer refunds for missed classes in this series. We have priced the class for affordability and to support our mission and vision. Each session is recorded and the recordings will be available the day after the class.
YOGA PROPS for Online Home-based Restorative Yoga Class: 2 blankets, 2 yoga blocks, a chair, a homemade "sandbag", hot water bottle, and an eye pillow if you like. ("Sandbag": Using a large ziplock bag, pour the contents of a 5lb bag of flour into the bag. Zip it shut and you will have a 5lb "sandbag". Alternatively, you can use your cat for a 9 - 15 lb sandbag!)
Blocks, blankets, bolsters and straps can be purchased online. Click the button "Purchase Yoga Props" to be directed to Sarahjoy's non-profit website to see the recommended site for purchasing yoga props.