Vata dosha is prone to anxiety and mental restlessness. Pranayama is a self-empowering, healing medicine for the mind and body. Pranayama also prepares us for meditation.
Session 1: Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
How pranayama supports the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems to create optimal Heart Rate Variability (HRV).
Positional Pranayama to create optimal conditions for healthy, unrestricted breathing.
Exhale Pause to Exhale "Suction" via Korma Mudra
Chanting the sound of LAM, the Bija Mantra sound for the first chakra, Muladhara Chakra.
Session 2: Dirga Pranayama
Dirga pranayama, 3-part inhale, focusing on the three regions of the torso through which the breath expands.
The Subtlety of the role of the exhale, exhale pause and exhale suspension.
Chanting the sound of LAM, the Bija mantra sound for the first chakra, Muladhara Chakra.
Session 3: Restore Your Nervous System
Variations of restorative poses to grant your body greater access to expansive diaphragmatic breathing.
Exhale pause and its role in the transitions of the breath in pranayama.
Exhale suspension into the next stage (on the way to. Uddiyana Bandha).
Dirga Pranayama
Chanting: Shanti invocation.
Session 4: Mental Stillness
Cultivating mental stillness through pranayama.
Continued exploration of the exhale suspension and the role of apana vayu in mental stillness.
Brahmari Breath to support your nitric oxide and mental well-being.
Chanting LAM and VAM, the Bija Mantras for the 1st and 2nd chakra, Muladhara and Svadhistana Chakras.
Session 5: Strengthen Your Immune System
Exploring the inner experience of the "hollow", a place in the ehale pause where the inner belly begins to hint at the power of Uddiyana Bandha.
Various restorative yoga poses to help promote the inner experience of pranayama.
Chanting LAM and VAM, the Bija Mantras for the 1st and 2nd chakra. Muladhara and Svadhistana Chakras.
Session 6: LAM A Steady Foundation
Combining two practices for a deeper journey:
Korma Mudra and the chanting of the sound of LAM, the Bija mantra sound of the first chakra, Muladhara.
Nadi Shodhana for balance and integration practice.
Session 7: The Inner Cave of Pranayama
Uddiyana Bandha to increase mental vitaly, nourish digestion and elimination, and prepare you for meditative quiet.
Preparatory practices for Uddiyana Bandha.
Combining two practices for a powerful sense of inner quiet:
Ujjayi breathing and the chanting of LAM, the Bija mantra sound of the first chakra, Muladhara Chakra.
Value: $80 * * SAVE $50 on this Series: Sign Up for your FREE exploration of this series. You'll receive the first 3 sessions for FREE. After that, register for just $30 for the remaining sessions. We know this will be a transformational journey for you and your mental health!