FALL SERIES: September 17, 24, Oct 1, 8 REGISTER HERE
HOLIDAY SERIES: November 26, Dec 3, 10, 17 REGISTER HERE
Mental Health is an ongoing concern for people and communities everywhere. With myriad influences coming at us all of the time, including social media, local and global news, our personal mental broadcasts, and health challenges that we are facing, or that our loved ones are facing, it is essential to approach our mental health from mutually supportive and reinforcing perspectives. We must include the body, the mind, the nervous system, and the society.
Students or clients who are able to establish a consistent yoga practice, attuned to their personal needs, develop the inner life skills for improving their mental health. Their body will also develop a natural inner pharmacy of well-being which can compliment any prescribed supplementation or medication.
However, yoga asana practice, as it is taught in today's exercise industry, is not to be misunderstood as a "cure-all". Yoga is a much larger science of well-being. It's potential far exceeds an intriguing sequence of poses connected with a musical track.
Yet, what pervades our Westernized yoga is this fashionable approach to yoga. Not only can it potentially short change the average student from knowing the greater depths of yoga, it can also lead to mindsets that deepen certain mental health patterns, unhelpfully.
This series is designed for yoga teachers, yoga therapists, mental health therapists, physical therapists, and any one who may be referring students or clients to yoga as a means of nourishing or repairing their personal health. It is also for yoga students wanting to better understand how to apply yoga as a path of support for their mental health and well-being, without causing adverse reactions or missing out on the depth of what yoga can offer - which is a truly transformational process and not only a short-term fix.
Sliding Scale: $160 - $108 Each tuition level offers a 2-part payment plan.
Course CE Units This continuing professional development activity is approved by the Yoga Alliance, the International Association of Yoga Therapists, and Oregon MHACBO, Mental Health and Addiction Certification Board of Oregon, for 8 hours of CE Units.